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3 Data Structure

Big O Notation​

  • f(n)=O(g(n))f(n) = O(g(n))
    • βˆƒk>0,n0,βˆ€n>n0,f(n)≀kg(n)\exist k>0,n_0,\forall n>n_0, f(n)\leq kg(n)
  • f(n)=Ξ©(g(n))f(n) = \Omega(g(n))
    • βˆƒk>0,n0,βˆ€n>n0,f(n)β‰₯kg(n)\exist k>0,n_0,\forall n>n_0, f(n)\geq kg(n)
  • f(n)=Θ(g(n))f(n) = \Theta(g(n))
    • βˆƒk1>0,k2>0,n0,βˆ€n>n0,k1g(n)≀f(n)≀k2g(n)\exist k_1>0, k_2>0,n_0,\forall n>n_0, k_1g(n)\leq f(n)\leq k_2g(n)

Substution Method​

  • Base case: show that the statement is true for the smallest value of 𝑛 (typically 0)
  • Induction step: assuming that the statement is true for any k<nk < n, show that it must also hold for nn


Master Method​

T(n)={dn≀n0aT(nb)+f(n)otherwiseT(n) = \begin{cases} d & n \leq n_0 \\ aT(\frac nb) + f(n) & otherwise \end{cases}

Compare which part is bigger

  • case1: for some Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0, f(n)=O(nlog⁑baβˆ’Ο΅)β‡’T(n)=Θ(nlog⁑ba)f(n) = O(n^{\log_b^a - \epsilon}) \Rightarrow T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_b^a})

  • case2: f(n)=Θ(nlog⁑ba)β‡’T(n)=Θ(nlog⁑balog⁑n)f(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_b^a}) \Rightarrow T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_b^a}\log n)

    for some kβ‰₯0k\geq 0, f(n)=Θ(nlog⁑ba(log⁑n)k)β‡’T(n)=Θ(nlog⁑ba(log⁑n)k+1)f(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_b^a}(\log n)^k)\Rightarrow T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_b^a}(\log n)^{k+1})

  • case3: for some Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0, f(n)=Ξ©(nlog⁑ba+Ο΅)f(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_b^a} + \epsilon) and βˆƒc<1,βˆ€n>n0,af(nb)≀cf(n)\exist c < 1, \forall n > n_0, af(\frac nb) \leq cf(n) β‡’T(n)=Θ(f(n))\Rightarrow T(n) = \Theta (f(n))

P and NP​

Problems, Instances and Algorithms:

  • Problem: Max-Flow
  • Instance: A graph G with edge-capacities, two vertices s, t, and an integer k
  • Algorithm: It takes as input an instance, and outputs either 'YES' or 'NO'


  • A ≀\leq B: A reduces to B if an instance IAI_A is YES iff IBI_B is YES
  • A ≀p\leq_p B: A is polynomial time reducible to B. There is an algorithm A that has the following properties:
    • given an instance IXI_X of X, A produces an instance IYI_Y
    • A runs in time O(∣IX∣k)O(|I_X|^k).
    • Answer to IXI_X is YES iff answer to IYI_Y is YES.
  • Theorem1: If A ≀p\leq_p B and B ∈\in P, then A ∈\in P
  • Theorem2: If A ≀p\leq_p B and B ≀p\leq_p C, then A ≀p\leq_p C (transitivity)

P and NP:

  • P(Polynomial): The set of all decision problems that have an algorithm that runs intime O(nk)O(n^k) for some constant kk
  • NP(nondeterministic polynomial): NP is the set of existential questions that can be verified in polynomial time
  • NP hard: B is NP hard if A ≀p\leq_p B for all A ∈\in NP
  • NP complete
    • Definition: B in NP and B is NP hard
    • Theorem: If B ≀p\leq_p C, C ∈\in NP, and B is NP complete, then C is NP complete(Proof using transitivity)

Typical NP complete problem​

  • SAT
  • 3-SAT
  • Clique
  • Independent Set
  • vertex cover
  • Hamiltonian Cycle

3SAT ≀p\leq_p Independent Set

  • If the formula is satisfiable, there is at least one true literal in each clause. Let S be a set of one such true literal from each clause. |S| = k and no two nodes in S are connected by an edge.
  • If the graph has an independent set S of size k, we know that it has one node from each β€œclause triangle.” Set those terms to true. This is possible because no 2 are negations of each other.


DNF(disjunctive normal form)

CNF(conjunctive normal form)


Bushy BSTsΘ(log N)Θ(log N)
Separate Chaining Hash Table With No ResizingΘ(N)Θ(N)
… With ResizingΘ(1)Θ(1)

Separate Chaining Data Indexed Array​

Data is converted into a hash code. The hash code is then reduced to a valid index.

Java’s hashCode() function for Strings

public int hashCode() {// From Left to right: High to Low
int h = cachedHashValue;
if (h == 0 && this.length() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.length(); i++) {
h = 31 * h + this.charAt(i);
cachedHashValue = h;
return h;

31: the hashCode base should be a small prime to avoid overflow



suppose the number of buckets: M, number of items: N

then complexities of contains and add are O(Q = N/M)

To make them O(1), strategy: When N/M is β‰₯ 1.5, double M

bool contains(int x, vector<list<int>>& hash_table){
int n = hash_table.size();
int index = (x%n + n)%n;
list<int>& slot = hash_table[index];
return find(slot.begin(),slot.end(),x)!=slot.end();
bool add(int x,vector<list<int>>& hash_table){
int n = hash_table.size();
int index = (x%n + n)%n;

Open Addressing​

An alternate way to handle collisions is to use open addressing

If target bucket is already occupied, use a different bucket

  • Linear probing
    • Use next address, and if already occupied, just keep scanning one by one.
  • Quadratic probing
    • Use next address, and if already occupied, try looking 4 ahead, then 9 ahead, then 16 ahead, ...


Counting Sort​


  • Find the range
  • Count number of occurrences of each item
  • Iterate through list, using count array to decide where to put everything


If the size of the hashmap is R, then

  • Runtime: Θ(N+R)
  • Memory: Θ(N+R)(Result Θ(N))

Radix Sort​

LSD Radix Sort​

Sort each digit independently from rightmost digit towards left


W: Width of each item in # digits

Runtime: Θ(WN+WR)

MSD Radix Sort​


  • Best Case: finish in one counting sort pass, looking only at the top digit: Θ(N + R)
  • Worst Case: look at every character, degenerating to LSD sort: Θ(WN + WR)




Binary heap: Binary tree that is complete and obeys heap property

  • Min-heap: Every node is less than or equal to both of its children
  • Max-heap: Every node is greater than or equal to both of its children

Priority Queue Implementation

ImplementOrdered ArrayBushy BSTHash TableHeap
addΘ(N)Θ(log N)Θ(1)Θ(log N)
getSmallestΘ(1)Θ(log N)Θ(N)Θ(1)
removeSmallestΘ(N)Θ(log N)Θ(N)Θ(log N)


Each Node Stores One Character, keys in blue





Contains and Add in O(L)(the length of the key), for each node:

  • DataIndexedCharMap is Θ(1).
  • BST is O(log R), where R is size of alphabet.
  • Hash Table is O(R), where R is size of alphabet.


  • DataIndexedCharMap: 128 links per node.
  • BST: C links per node, where C is the number of children.
  • Separate Chaining Hash Table: C links per node.