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1 Abstraction


  • BIOS:Basic Input Output System
  • PC(program counter) SP(stack pointer)
  • CS:IP code segment : instruction pointer.
  • .s source code files written in assembly

Compare of cs61c and cs162

  • Processor -- Thread
  • Memory -- Address Space
  • Disks,SSDS,... -- Files
  • Networks -- Sockets
  • Machines -- Processes

Instruction Fetch/Decode/Execute


Four fundamental OS concepts

  • Thread: execution context
  • Address space: set of memory address accessible to program(r/o)
  • Process: instance of a running program(protected address space+ >=1 threads)
  • Dual Mode operation/Protection: only the "system" has the ability to access certain resources



3 states

  • running
  • ready – eligible to run, but not currently running
  • blocked – ineligible to run (e.g.waiting for an I/O to finish)


  • yield() — Current thread yields the CPU
  • sleep() (e.g., sending to full buffer)
  • wakeup() (e.g., buffer space becomes available)



  • Concurrency vs parallelism

    • Concurrency is about handling multiple things at once(Networked servers must handle concurrent requests)
    • Parallelism is about doing multiple things simultaneously(Parallel programs must parallelise for performance)
    • Parallel => concurrent, but not the other way round!
  • Multiprocessing vs multithreading

    • Multiprocessing: Multiple CPUs(cores)
    • Multithreading: Multiple threads/processes

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User/Kernel Threading Models

  • One-to-one: All major operating systems: Windows, Linux (with the Native POSIX Thread Library), macOS
  • Many-to-one: GNU Portable Threads (Pth)
  • Many-to-many: Windows user-mode scheduling


Address Space

Base and bounds registers are visible/accessible only when processor is running in supervisor mode



Thread encapsulate concurrency

Address spaces encapsulate protection


Process Management API

pthread: posix(portable operating system interface)

  • join(pid) - suspends execution of the calling thread until the target pid terminates

  • exit – terminate a process

  • fork – copy the current process

    • >0>0: Returned to parent or caller,return value is pid of new child
    • =0=0: Returned to the newly created child process
    • <0<0: error creating,running in original process
  • exec – change the program being run by the current process

  • wait – pauses the parent until the child finishes,crashes, or is terminated

    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    pid_t cpid,tcpid;
    cpid = fork();
    int status;
    pid_t mypid=getpid();
    if (cpid > 0) { /* Parent Process */
    tcpid = wait(&status);
    printf("%d wait%d(%d)",mypid,tcpid,status);
    } else if (cpid == 0) { /* Child Process */
    mypid = getpid();
    printf("[%d] child\n", mypid);
    char *myargs[3];
    myargs[0] = strdup("wc"); // program: "wc" (word count)
    myargs[1] = strdup("test.cpp"); // argument: file to count
    myargs[2] = NULL; // marks end of array
    execvp(myargs[0], myargs); // runs word count
    printf("this shouldn't print out.\n");


    [8042] child

    8041 wait8042(256)

  • kill – send a signal (interrupt-like notification) to another process

  • signal – system call to send a notification to another process

Main thread creates (forks) collection of sub-threads passing them args to work on, and then joins with them, collecting results


Internal Events--PCB

PCB is used for saving states in a context

For multi-threaded process, substitute process → thread and PCB → TCB



External Events--Interrupt

Example:web server


Dual Mode Operation

Unix structure


3 types of user\rightarrowkernel mode transfer

  • syscall
    • process requests a system service,e.g.,exit()
    • like a function call, but "outside" the process
  • interrupt
    • external asychronous event triggers context switch
    • e.g.,timer, I/O device
  • trap/exception
    • internal asychronous event in process triggers context switch
    • e.g.,protection violation(segment fault),divide by zero