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4 File System


Data Structure of File system

Directory Structure:

A directory is a file containing <file_name:file_number> mappings(each called a directory entry)

File (and directory) defined by header, called "inode"(i = index)

Each inode contains file attributes (permissions, timestamps, owner) and the index blocks


Open performs Name Resolution: Translates path name into file number

Read and Write operate on the file number


File Storage on Disk


Super Block

  • number of blocks
  • size of data blocks
  • free-block count
  • location of the file descriptor of the root directory

Directory Structure

To acclerate the process of finding a file and enable sharing, use DAG


Hard Links and Symbolic Links

  • Hard links: Both directory entries point to the same inode
    • The file may have a different name in each directory
  • Symbolic links: One directory entry points to the file’s inode, Other directory entries contains the "path"
    • inode different

7 disk accesses to resolve "/my/book/count"

  • Read in file header for root (fixed position on disk)
  • Read in first data block for root, search for "my"
  • Read in file header for "my"
  • Read in first data block for "my"; search for "book"
  • Read in file header for "book"
  • Read in first data block for "book"; search for "count"
  • Read in file header for "count"

File Allocation

Contiguous Allocation

All blocks in a file are contiguous on the disk, Search bit map or linked list to locate a space

File header:

  • first sector in file
  • number of sectors


  • Simple to implement (only needs starting block & length of file)
  • Fast sequential access
  • Easy random access


  • External fragmentation
  • hard to grow files when new file is inserted into a hole

Linked List Allocation

Each file is a sequence of blocks. File header points to 1st block on disk, each block points to next



  • No external fragmentation
  • easy to grow files


  • bad random access
  • unreliable: losing a block means losing the rest

Variation: File Allocation Table(FAT)

FAT is linked list 1-1 with blocks, follow list to get block number, unused blocks marked free

Ex: file_write 31, < 3, y > (y: offset within block)

  • Grab free block
  • Linking them into file


FAT directory: Directory entry needs only the starting block number


Format a disk: Zero the blocks, mark FAT entries "free"

Quick format: Mark FAT entries "free"

Used in MS-DOS


  • Easy to delete a file
  • Easy to append to a file


  • Small file access slow(seek time latency between blocks)
  • Random access slow(sequential search)
  • memory overhead
    • 20 GB disk size, 1 KB block size, 4 bytes FAT entry size. Need 80MB to store FAT

Indexed Allocation

Berkeley F(Fast)FS / UNIX FS


  • Metadata(File owner, access permissions, access times, …)
  • Small Files: 12 Direct pointers With 4KB blocks => max size of 48KB files
  • Large Files: Indirect block pointers, each block supports 1K ptrs
    • indirected block pointer => max 4 MB
    • Doubly indirected block pointer => max 4 GB
    • Triply indirected block pointer => max 4 TB



  • Efficient storage for both small and large files
  • Locality for both small and large files
  • Locality for metadata and data
  • No defragmentation necessary!


  • Inefficient for tiny files (a 1 byte file requires both an inode and a data block)
  • Inefficient encoding when file is mostly contiguous on disk
  • Need to reserve 10-20% of free space to prevent fragmentation